
The JAMBASSADOR program recognizes members who go above and beyond.

Team + volunteers
The heart of our organization, the people behind the scenes.
Brian Curlee
Brian has been a JAMSQUAD hero for years. His extreme dedication and passion is what keeps our donations flowing. He has led workshops and donated his entire garage for the JAMSQUAD HQ for years until we found a new home. He now leads our 2 core programs.
Danovan Golding
Danovan is a legend with distribution and outreach.
Ron Hermann
Ron serves as the Jamsquad Cycling Grants Liaison and is the Race Director for the Bel Air Cyclocross Festival. He also enjoys refurbishing donated bicycles on workshop days, doing trail work with Gunpowder United Mountain Bike Operators (GUMBO) and racing singlespeed mountain bikes and cyclocross. Ron is a Professor of Science Education at Towson University and lives in Bel Air with his wife, three children, and three dogs.
Nick Johnson
As our President Nick has a ton of responsibilities. He helps keep us organized and flowing well.
Matt Buckleman
Matt has been here since the beginning and keeps all the financial ins and outs in good shape.
Jay Neighbours
Jay looks after the marketing and visual style of JAMSQUAD. From the website to kit design to hand dyed and screen printed shirts.
Team + Volunteers