What we do

Our programs
We donate bikes to kids and families through the following programs
One Kid
One Bike
Our program focused on donating to children and families. We believe that bikes can change lives and the earlier we get kids on a bike the greater the impact.
The core
The goal of this program is simple. Get kids on bikes! We donate bikes to promote healthy lifestyles and give people a fun outlet.
Since 2015
Thanks to our dedicated volunteers, sponsors, and partners we have donated over 800 bikes since 2015.
The future
Our goal is to keep this program running strong and getting as many people on bikes as we can!
One Community Two Wheels
Our newest program dedicated to supporting our community. We donate to shelters and offer service days to repair community member's bikes.
The core
This extends past our One Kid One Bike mission and includes family members + other community members. Bikes can change adult lives too, whether that means transportation to work or more family time.
Since 2018
We started this program in 2018 and have donated to families, individuals, and shelters. We also set up our tent and repair community member’s bikes on the spot.
The future
We plan on evolving and growing this program in the coming years.
Kids STEM Summer Camp
As we stride to strengthen our community, we recognize an opportunity, by using cycling as a gateway to teach children wellness and education.
The core
1 in 4 fourth graders from low-income backgrounds are proficient in math, and just 1 in 6 are proficient in science. In 2018, eight million STEM jobs became available in the United States, but the vast majority of the U.S. students were unprepared to fill them. All students—especially students from low-income backgrounds—should be fully included in the equation.
The program
We recognize the need of education in our community, so we developed a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Program that teaches educational lessons that are guided by the national education system, common core standards, and then we apply it to bicycles. This initiative is necessary because STEM fields are at the core of our country’s innovation.
Also, childhood health risk behaviors, namely poor diet, limited physical activity, and a general lack of social emotional health, have affected this generation of children that rates of obesity and related illnesses are statistically, medically, and socially viewed as an epidemic.
We advocate for children to strive to have an active and healthy lifestyle. They perform better academically and have fewer behavioral problems. We also teach nutrition, bike riding skills, rules of the road, and bike maintenance.
Upon completion of the program, students are awarded a bike and helmet!